MW3 Precious Cargo weapon locations

Finding MW3 weapon locations in open combat missions is crucial to success, so here's all the field equipment and guns in Precious Cargo.

MW3 Precious Cargo weapon locations: Graves wears a suit and looks worries on a backdrop of colorful shipping containers.

Where are all the MW3 Precious Cargo weapon locations? Anyone who’s played Call of Duty before, or any shooter for that matter, knows that the right weapon can make all the difference between life or death, between success and failure. That’s never been as true as it is in the MW3 campaign.

As Open Combat missions make their first appearance in the FPS game, you can pick and choose from some of the best Modern Warfare 3 guns and complete these special MW3 missions as you wish. Precious Cargo is just one of those, dropping you into a shipping yard with nothing, and leaving it to you to loot what you can from the map around you. To make it a little easier on you, here’s every Modern Warfare 3 weapon and field equipment location in Precious Cargo.

A map showing 21 locations of all Modern Warfare 3 weapons in the Precious Cargo mission.

The above MW3 Precious Cargo locations are for the following weapons and field equipment:

  1. Recon Drone – Field Equipment
  2. MTZ-556 – Assault Rifle
  3. Silenced WSP Swarm – SMG
  4. Heartbeat Censor – Field Equipment
  5. Silenced Expedite 12 – Shotgun
  6. 556 Icarus – LMG
  7. PILA – Launcher
  8. Snapshot Pulse – Field Equipment
  9. RPK – LMG
  10. Pulemyot 762 – LMG
  11. Explosive Victus XMR – Sniper Rifle
  12. Munitions Box – Field Equipment
  13. Silenced Rival 9 – SMG
  14. Silenced ISO Hemlock – Assault Rifle
  15. Hybrid STB 556 – Assault Rifle
  16. Signal 50 – Sniper Rifle
  17. Bas B – Battle Rifle
  18. GS Magna – Handgun
  19. Incendiary Bryson 800 – Shotgun
  20. RGL 80 – Grenade Launcher
  21. KVD Enforcer – Sniper Rifle

The Bas-B weapon location in MW3 Precious Cargo.

You might not be able to pick up every weapon in one playthrough of the Precious Cargo mission, but now you know where to find your favorites, you can make a beeline straight for them. Once you’ve found any of the above weapons, they automatically appear for you when you go to restart the mission, making it a little easier each time – perfect for trying to complete all the MW3 achievements.

Now you know all the MW3 weapon locations in Precious Cargo, replaying this mission could help you figure out your best MW3 loadout, as these guns all an appearance in multiplayer, too. You might also find them in Modern Warfare 3 zombies, which brings the fan-favorite mode to the Modern Warfare universe for the first time.