Like a Dragon Gaiden features iconic protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and focuses on his story as it unfolds between the dramatic events of Yakuza 6 and Like a Dragon. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and Sega’s new game is producing some seriously impressive player numbers on Steam already, after only just coming out. The Man Who Erased His Name is now more popular than its predecessors on Valve’s PC gaming platform, overtaking other recently released 2023 entries like Ishin.
Like a Dragon Gaiden is the Yakuza series’ latest open-world game, and it’s already stirring up quite a fanbase for itself. RGG Studio’s new Like a Dragon entry is climbing up Steam’s charts quickly, currently sitting on the PC platform’s ranking roundup as the developer’s most-played launch to date. On its release day, Like a Dragon Gaiden boasts the highest peak player count of any previous RGG Studio Yakuza game.
The new game’s 24-hour peak saw around 9,743 players while the second-most popular Yakuza, 2020’s Like a Dragon, sits on the Steam charts with a peak player count of 9,535. The series’ third-biggest entry on the player-based charts is 2018’s Yakuza 0 with a peak of 8,985. Like a Dragon Gaiden has not even been available to the public for a full day yet, making these numbers and its very positive Steam rating all the more impressive.
As one of the top ten-selling games on Steam right now, right behind Modern Warfare 3 and Apex Legends, The Man Who Erased His Name isn’t 2023’s only RGG Studio release, either. It overtook this year’s other fellow Yakuza game, Ishin, which to date has a peak player count of 8,461 people on Steam’s charts. It will be interesting to see how the next game compares when the highly anticipated Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth release date rolls around this winter.
Like a Dragon Gaiden’s successful Steam release also doesn’t offer an entirely in-depth look at the game’s overall success thus far on PC, as it doesn’t account for the many players who have access to The Man Who Erased His Name due to its day one launch on Game Pass. 2023 predecessor Ishin is also now available via Game Pass.
If you’re looking for even more thrills outside of the ever-popular Yakuza series, you can browse through our favorite action-adventure games for some similar fast-paced fun. Alternatively, check out a few of these great upcoming PC games if you need something new to look forward to now that Like a Dragon Gaiden is here.